Meatal Stenosis
Also known as: urethral meatal stenosis, urethral stricture.
What is meatal stenosis?
The urethra is the tube from the bladder through which urine passes before it exits the body through a hole at the tip of the penis called the meatus. Mental stenosis is a common, abnormal narrowing of the meatus generally occurring in young boys.
What causes meatal stenosis?
Meatal stenosis most often results as a complication of circumcision. It can also occur because of a birth defect, from constant irritation from a wet diaper or clothing, or after surgery on the penis.
What are the symptoms of meatal stenosis?
On voiding in boys, urination may be difficult, takes longer than normal as it is more difficult to empty the bladder, and has a thin stream that goes upwards making it difficult to stand to urinate (many will just sit to urinate). Occasional children will have pain on urination or small amounts of blood at the end of the urine stream. Untreated it may give rise to urinary tract infections and kidney damage.
What are meatal stenosis care options?
Meatal stenosis is most often treated, as an in- or out-patient, with a minor surgical procedure called a meatotomy. Uncommonly the stenosis can be treated with dilation instruments.
Reviewed by: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP
This page was last updated on: September 09, 2019 09:15 AM