Vocal Cord Paralysis

también conocido como: calluses of the vocal fold, vocal cord lesions.

What is vocal cord paralysis?

The vocal cords not only produce sound, they also keep the windpipe free of food and liquid. When the vocal cords stop moving due to problems with nerve impulses, it causes problems with all these vocal cord functions and is known as vocal cord paralysis.

What causes vocal cord paralysis?

Vocal cord paralysis can occur as a complication of tumors, neurological problems, viral infections, stroke and other illnesses. It can also be the result of an injury due to surgery or a direct blow to the neck.

What are the symptoms of vocal cord paralysis?

Vocal cord paralysis can cause hoarsness, noisy breathing, changes to the voice, choking, coughing, loss of gag reflux, frequent throat clearing and other symptoms.

What are vocal cord paralysis care options?

Some cases of vocal cord paralysis resolve on their own over time. In mild cases, voice therapy can help people overcome the issues related to vocal cord paralysis. Surgery to relieve symptoms is needed in many cases.

Revisado por: Brian Ho, MD

Esta página fue actualizada por última vez en: octubre 03, 2019 04:24 p. m.