
Also known as: chalazia (plural).

What is chalazion?

A chalazion is a persistent slow growing painless variably sized swelling or lump (or more than one) found anywhere in the upper and/or lower eyelid.

What causes chalazion?

A chalazion occurs when one of the small oil glands (meibomian gland) in the edge of eyelid gets blocked and begins to swell (when this becomes infected it’s called a “stye”). If the gland ruptures, its oily contents can irritate the eyelid skin causing it to become red, swollen and painful. Usually there is no underlying cause, however it/they may be associated with chronic inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis), poor eye hygiene with rubbing of the eyes, or associated with other skin problems like seborrhea or acne rosacea.

What are the signs/symptoms of chalazion?

A painless small growing lump that can be felt in the eyelid, which may cause tearing, mild irritation or blurry vision if it grows large. If it becomes infected the eyelid may become red, swollen and painful.

What are chalazion care options?

A small chalazion may resolve on its own without treatment over a number of weeks. Larger or infected ones usually are managed with warm wet compresses for 15 minutes several times a day, antibiotic eye drops and good hand washing by the child, who should not rub or squeeze the area. If signs/symptoms persist, surgery may be necessary.

Reviewed by: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP

This page was last updated on: January 14, 2020 04:10 PM