
Also known as: tongue tie, tongue-tie.

What is ankyloglossia?

Ankyloglossia is called tongue-tie because it limits the use of the tongue. It may lead to problems with speech or eating.

What causes ankyloglossia?

The frenulum is the cord of tissue attached to the undersurface of the tongue. In children with ankyloglossia, it is long and thick which restricts the movement of the tongue. There may be a genetic predisposition for ankyloglossia.

What are the symptoms of ankyloglossia?

Difficulty moving the tongue is the main symptom with ankyloglossia. People with tongue tie may have trouble lifting the tongue or sticking it out. This can lead to with speech or eating.

What are ankyloglossia care options?

Some of the symptoms with ankyloglossia may resolve on their own over time. Other persistent symptoms may require surgical correction.

Reviewed by: Sandeep P Dave, M.D.

This page was last updated on: October 03, 2019 02:14 PM