La carta de agradecimiento de la familia Muñoz

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Noticias Relacionadas

Santi contra viento y marea: Una historia de perseverancia

agosto 30, 2024 – Santi brinda alegría a todos los que lo rodean, a pesar de sus limitaciones médicas. Con solo 7 años, Santi ha memorizado los números de teléfono de todas sus personas favoritas, incluidos algunos de sus enfermeros en el Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.

Patient of the Month: Grethell

abril 30, 2024 – Grethell had a large and extremely rare tumor under her jaw that required surgical resection. Thankfully, Adilia, Grethell's mother, found Nicklaus Children's Hospital and from Nicaragua, they made the journey for treatment. 

El Centro Integral de Epilepsia de Nicklaus Children’s Hospital ha sido reacreditado por la NAEC

abril 16, 2024 – El Centro Integral de Epilepsia de Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, que forma parte del Instituto del Cerebro, ha sido reacreditado como centro de epilepsia de nivel 4 para 2024-2025 por la NAEC (Asociación Nacional de Centros de Epilepsia).

Nicklaus Children's Hospital to Study the Use of Low-Frequency Focused Ultrasound Therapy to Treat Children with Aggressive Brain Tumors

diciembre 14, 2023 – Nicklaus Children’s Hospital is to become only the third site in North America involved in a Phase I clinical trial studying the role of a new technology called low-frequency focused ultrasound (LoFU) in the care of children with a lethal type of brain tumor that forms within the brainstem.