Dr. Mario Reyes, Pediatrician with the Pediatric Hospital Medicine program at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, is the recipient of the Jennifer Daru Memorial Award, an annual award for best article featured in Hospital Pediatrics, a peer-reviewed Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
The article, titled “Choosing Wisely Campaign: Report Card and Achievable Benchmarks of Care for Children’s Hospitals”, discusses the development of a report card for Children’s Hospitals, including Hospital Medicine and Emergency Medicine groups based on the Choosing Wisely campaign recommendations.
The piece, chosen by the editorial board for its significant contributions to the field of pediatric hospital medicine, promotes conversations between clinicians and patients that help patients choose care that is: supported by evidence, not duplicative, free of harm and truly necessary.
Click here to read the article in Hospital Pediatrics http://hosppeds.aappublications.org/content/7/11/633.long