Gorham Syndrome

Also known as: Gorham Syndrome

What is Gorham syndrome?

Gorham syndrome is a rare condition involving gradual bone loss that can affect one or more bones. The cause is unknown and clinical onset is from childhood to young adulthood.

What are the symptoms of Gorham syndrome?

Associated symptoms include:

  • Hemangiomas on one side of the body that can affect one or several contiguous bones
  • Massive bone destruction
  • Bone fibrosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fractures
  • Diffuse muscle atrophy
Superficial hemangiomas may not always be present. When the rib cage is involved, it is usually fatal.

What are the treatment options for Gorham syndrome?

The treatment options for Gorham syndrome are surgery and radiation therapy

This page was last updated on: July 26, 2021 03:53 PM

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