Urodynamics and Videourodynamics

What is Urodynamics and Videourodynamics?

Urodynamics and vIdeo-urodynamics are tests to determine the source of urinary issues.

What happens during the treatment?

  • The first step of the urodynamic study is to place a thin tube (catheter) inside the child’s bladder. A small tube will be also gently placed in the child`s anus to measure the abdominal pressure. While the tubes can be a source of irritation, they are generally not painful. The parent can remain with the child while the catheter tube is placed to provide comfort and encouragement. A child life specialist may also support the process to help distract the child and explain the process in age-appropriate terms.
  • Once the catheter is in place, electrodes may be placed near the child’s anus to measure muscle activity during the testing. This additional element is added when an electromyography (EMG) study is needed.
  • Once the bladder is empty, warm water is inserted into the child’s bladder through the tube. This is the cystomanometry (CMG). Once the bladder is filled, the child is encouraged to urinate again (pressure/flow study). Pressure within the bladder and bladder response is monitored during filling and voiding.
  • At the end of the study, the bladder will be completely emptied and the tubes removed. In case of a videourodynamic study, fluoroscopic images (X-ray) will be obtained during any of the previous step.

Is any special preparation needed? 

Patients scheduled for an urodynamic study need to obtain a negative urine culture one week before the test. If the child is able to urinate, uroflowmetry will be obtained before placing the urinary catheter.

Reviewed by: Mariarita Salvitti, MD

This page was last updated on: July 31, 2024 04:47 PM

Pediatric Urology

The Division of Pediatric Urology and Urologic Surgery at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital specializes in the treatment and diagnosis of urological conditions.

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