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Nicklaus Children’s Hospital has several outpatient and urgent care centers throughout South Florida, including on-demand, virtual care.
Walk-in urgent care with no appointment needed.
Serving as your child's primary doctor's office.
Pediatric specialty consultations available closer to home.
A full range of comprehensive services all under one roof.
Connect with providers from the comfort of your own home.
With over 800 pediatric clinicians on staff, we’re dedicated to helping you connect with the right specialist for your needs.
We have expertise in treating children and educating families on hundreds of different conditions.
We use cutting-edge, specialized treatments and procedures to ensure the best care for your child.
Laparoscopy refers to the use of a thin camera and instruments inserted through small incisions in the abdomen to perform operations that had been done with large incisions in the past. Today we are able to perform most abdominal operations this way.
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Each individual procedure is planned specifically for the patient’s individual problem. A half to quarter inch incision is made in the abdomen and the laparoscope is inserted carefully to avoid damaging any inner structure. Air is then used to inflate the abdominal cavity allowing the surgeon to examine the abdominal cavity from the inside on a large screen that allows for the placement of the operating ports. The operation is completed and the small incisions closed with internal absorbable sutures so as to leave as little scar as possible.
Reviewed by: Leopoldo Malvezzi, MD
This page was last updated on: January 19, 2022 02:36 PM
When the appendix becomes blocked with stool or inflammation, an illness called appendicitis, most doctors recommend removal by a procedure known as appendectomy.
Fundoplication is a surgical procedure used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease.