
Also known as: EMG.

What is electromyography?

EMG is a diagnostic procedure to assess muscle health and nerves which supply them. EMG is performed to look for brain, spinal cord, nerve and muscle diseases.

What happens during the procedure?

The needle may cause discomfort or pain that usually ends shortly after the needle is removed. During procedure neurologist will give you instructions on resting or contracting muscles

Is any special preparation needed?

Inform your neurologist conducting EMG about certain conditions including:
  • Have a pacemaker or electrical devices
  • Taking blood thinning meds
  • Have blood disorders

What are the risk factors?

Risks are low and may include mild discomfort, mild bleeding, infection and nerve injury where needle is inserted.

Reviewed by: Sayed Z. Naqvi, MD

This page was last updated on: March 26, 2019 12:21 PM