Vocal Cord Polyps

Also known as: calluses of the vocal fold, vocal cord lesions.

What are vocal cord polyps?

Vocal cord polyps are lesions that affect the vocal cords. They typically occur in the vocal cord due to injury from overuse and can cause problems with speaking.

What causes vocal cord polyps?

Overuse of the vocal cords is the cause of vocal cord polyps. They can occur after speaking a lot, yelling, singing loudly or speaking while sick, just to name a few examples.

What are the symptoms of vocal cord polyps?

A raspy voice, pain when speaking, a low pitch, breaks in voice, hoarseness, frequent throat clearing and other speech problems are typical with vocal cord polyps.

What are vocal cord polyps care options?

In most cases, resting the voice is the primary treatment for vocal cord polyps. Surgery is a possibility in severe cases.

Reviewed by: Yamilet Tirado, MD

This page was last updated on: October 03, 2019 03:20 PM