Tibial Torsion

Also known as: internal tibial torsion, intoeing

What is tibial torsion?

When the tibia bone of the leg twists inward in children, it can lead to tibial torsion. This is also commonly called intoeing, and it is a common walking or gait difficulty among young children.

What causes tibial torsion?

Tibial torsion tends to be hereditary and can be passed down from parents to children. The position of a fetus in the uterus can also make a child more likely to have tibial torsion.


What are the symptoms of tibial torsion?

The "in-toeing", or walking with the toes pointed inward, is the primary symptom of tibial torsion. However, this is common for many children as they begin to walk, with or without tibial torsion. If it doesn’t subside over time, then treatment may be needed.

What are tibial torsion care options?

In most cases, tibial torsion resolves on its own over time. Special braces may help in some severe cases. Very rarely is surgery needed to correct tibial torsion. Pathologic causes of internal tibial torsion, such as cerebral palsy, are more often addressed with surgery.

Reviewed by: Daniel K Ruggles, DO

This page was last updated on: August 03, 2023 12:29 PM