Radiology Diagnostic Services and Tests
- 3T Tesla MRI
- Bone Densitometry
- Digital Radiography
Angiography is a test that is used to examine the coronary arteries, the heart and other large blood vessels in the chest.
An arthrogram is an imaging test that is used to examine a joint, such as the shoulder or knee.
Barium Swallow (Modified)
A modified barium swallow is type of X-ray done under Fluoroscopy with collaboration of a Speech Pathologist The purpose of the study is to take pictures of the throat, such as the trachea and windpipe, to see how your child swallows.
Bone Scan
A bone scan is usually used to assess pain, fractures, infection, or tumors of bone. A radioactive medicine is injected into a vein and then images are taken with a special camera, called a gamma camera.
Brain Scan
A brain scan is an imaging technique that evaluates brain structure and/or function of the brain. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computerized tomography are the two most common types of brain scans, but others may also be used.
Cardiac CT
A Computed Tomography (CT scan) is a medical imaging tes which combines taking multiple X-ray pictures of the inside of the body. Nicklaus Children's utilizes a low dose radiation CT Scanner.
Cardiac MRI
Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI of the heart is a medical test that provides high-definition images of the heart (or body) and surrounding veins and arteries using a combination of magnetic and radio waves and a computer.
CT Scan (Computed Tomography)
Computed tomography is a medical imaging test that can be used as a diagnostic tool for a wide variety of medical conditions. It involves taking pictures of sections or slices of the body, layer by layer, to get a complete picture of an area of the body.
A DEXA scan is a test that measures bone density and bone loss also called osteopenia.
DMSA Renal Scan
DMSA renal kidney scan is a kidney imaging test that gives a clearer picture of the kidneys than standard imaging tests. It’s a nuclear medicine test.
Electromyogram and Nerve Conduction Velocity
This study help your pediatric neurologist diagnose the cause of many nerve and muscular disorders.
Electron Microscopy
An electron microscope is a powerful, much higher magnification type of microscope that uses electrons to create an image of a variety of cells, biopsy material, tissues (like kidney tissue) or other biological specimens.
Endoscopic Ultrasound
When more detailed images of portions of the digestive system are needed, a patient might receive an endoscopic ultrasound. This involves performing an ultrasound using an endoscope, or a long, thin, flexible tube that is passed inside the body.
EOS Imaging System
An EOS imaging system is a form of X-ray that creates a 3-D image of the body.
An Esophagram is a type of X-ray that shows how well the esophagus is working and is looking to see the direction in which the food travels as its being swallowed.
Fluoroscopy produces a continuous, moving image (video) to show how structures within the body are moving.
General Anesthesia for Radiology Procedures
General Anesthesia makes the child’s entire body go to sleep and is needed for certain tests and procedures so that the child’s bodily reactions will be completely relaxed.
Implantable Venous Port
An implantable venous port is a semi-permanent IV line that’s left under the skin consisting of the port which is a round piece of metal with a soft silicone top and a thin tube tunneled under the skin which connects the port to a large vein near the heart.
Interventional Radiology (IR)
Interventional radiology (IR) is when doctors use pictures or images known as “image-guided procedures” to help guide to the body part on the inside that needs to be treated or tested.
Interventional Radiology for Vascular Malformations
Vascular malformations can be treated with sclerotherapy. During this procedure, the interventional radiologist injects the lesion with a medication that shrinks it.
Lymphography and Thoracic Duct Embolization
These are two different but related procedures that are used to treat problems with the thoracic duct. Lymphography is an imaging test, and thoracic duct embolization involves sealing off the thoracic duct when there are problems with it.
Lymphoscintigraphy is a special type of noninvasive nuclear medical test that is used to provide images and to map and identify any blockages in lymphatic flow and to identify abnormal lymph nodes.
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
Magnetic resonance imaging is a common imaging test used to give medical professionals a closer look at organs or structures inside the body. The images are created using magnetic and radio waves.
MRI Arthrogram
A MRI arthrogram is used when your child has damaged a joint and small tears in the joint cartilage need to be identified.
Nuclear Medicine Tests
Nuclear medicine is a type of imaging that uses small, safe amounts of radioactive medicine to diagnose, treat and track the treatment of diseases.
PET Scan
A Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan is a type of camera that is used along with a Computed Tomography (CT) scan to take detailed pictures inside the body.
PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter)
A PICC line or peripherally inserted central catheter (a long, thin flexible tube) is a long thin tube which is inserted into a vein in your child’s arm, leg or neck, threaded towards a large vein near the heart through which medications, nutrients, blood or other fluids can be given or from which blood can be withdrawn.
Radioactive Iodine Imaging
Radioactive iodine imaging is a medical test that helps your pediatrician diagnose how well your child’s thyroid gland functions.
Radionuclide Cystogram
Radionuclide cystogram is an imaging test that are used to check the function of the urinary tract and the bladder. It’s a nuclear medicine test that involves using a radioactive material in order to add clarity to the images related to the test.
Salivary Gland Botulinin Toxin Type A Injection
Also known as Botox, it can be used medically to reduce saliva production by injecting it into the salivary glands.
Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography
Single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) is a nuclear imaging test that shows brain/other organ function by measuring blood flow in the brain/organ.
Temporary Central Line Placement
A temporary central line is a short-term catheter that is placed in a vein in the neck or the groin for a number of uses which include fluid, nutritional, medication, blood product delivery or for procedures like blood dialysis.
Thrombolysis is a treatment that can break up blood clots lodged in veins. Doing so can prevent the clots from potentially causing heart attacks or strokes later on.
Tunneled Catheter Placement
A tunneled central venous catheter is one that is placed in a large central vein most frequently in the neck, groin, chest or back, while the other end is tunneled under the skin to come out on the side of the chest.
An ultrasound is a large camera that helps doctors understand more about the tissues and organs inside the body. These painless exams help doctors see images in further detail.
Upper Gastrointestinal Study
An upper GI series is an imaging test that is used to examine and possibly diagnose conditions in the upper gastrointestinal tract. It uses barium liquid to give doctors a better view of the components of the upper GI during the test. It can be used to diagnose a variety of conditions that affect the digestive system.
VCUG (Voiding Cysto UrethroGram)
A voiding cystourethrogram is an imaging test that checks the function of the bladder and urethra.
Venography is an invasive X-Ray imaging test that takes pictures of a contrast dye flowing through the veins of any part of the body, allowing the radiologist to determine the location and type of any vein abnormality.
Ventilation Perfusion Scan
A ventilation/perfusion scan is a diagnostic nuclear medicine series of two imaging tests used to look at how air and blood circulates in your child’s lungs.
VFSS (Videofluoroscopy Swallow Study)
A VFSS is a test to look at how your child swallows foods and liquids. We make an X-ray “movie” of your child’s mouth and throat while her or she is drinking and eating.
X-Ray Exam
An X-ray exam is one of the most common and oldest medical imaging tests. It involves using a machine to produce electromagnetic waves in order to create images of the inside of your body.