Knee Sprains and Strains

Also known as: knee injuries, knee pain.

What are knee sprains and strains?

A sprain refers to an injury to a ligament, which are the bands of tissue that join bones to one another. And a strain refers to an injury to the muscles or tendons around the bones. When these injuries occur in the knee, they’re known as knee sprains and strains.

What causes knee sprains and strains?

Common causes of knee sprains and strains include direct injuries to the knee due to falls, sports injuries or other causes, or overuse of the knee. Not stretching well, having poor posture or wearing improper footwear are other factors that can contribute to knee sprains and strains.

What are the symptoms of knee sprains and strains?

Pain, swelling, tenderness, bruising, numbness, difficulty moving the knee or stiffness are all potential symptoms of knee sprains and strains.

What are knee sprains and strains care options?

Mild or moderate knee sprains and strains can be treated with rest, ice, compression, elevation, avoidance of activities and over-the-counter pain relievers. Wearing a brace can help support the knee, and exercises can assist with healing. Surgery may be required for more severe injuries.

Reviewed by: Annie L Casta, MD

This page was last updated on: December 17, 2020 09:32 AM

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