“I was brought in after a fifty five minute grand mal seizure on July 11, 1976 (the day before I turned 6). I was brought in on a rescue truck, not an actual ambulance. I remember waking up on the stretcher next to a fire fighter and I was in the open air watching the trees go by above me. I remember a lab technician drawing my blood and he was amazed that I didn't flinch. I just watched him warily the whole time. The next day on my sixth birthday a church group visited with board games wrapped as presents for the kids on my floor. I got Candyland. The family that my family and I were visiting the day before came and visited. We had been making clothespin people that day with scraps of yarn, fabric, markers and glue. As my birthday present from them they had made a doll house from old boxes and gave me the dolls they had made too. Dr. Duenas is the only doctor I remember. After that first hospital visit I had only seen him in the clinic. I remember it all being a very pleasant experience. Thanks for letting me share.
Dana - Hermitage, Tennessee