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Nicklaus Children’s Hospital has several outpatient and urgent care centers throughout South Florida, including on-demand, virtual care.
Walk-in urgent care with no appointment needed.
Serving as your child's primary doctor's office.
Pediatric specialty consultations available closer to home.
A full range of comprehensive services all under one roof.
Connect with providers from the comfort of your own home.
With over 800 pediatric clinicians on staff, we’re dedicated to helping you connect with the right specialist for your needs.
We have expertise in treating children and educating families on hundreds of different conditions.
We use cutting-edge, specialized treatments and procedures to ensure the best care for your child.
Also known as: Neonatal HIV infection.
HIV is a potentially dangerous viral infection that can ultimately lead to AIDS if left untreated. When the virus is passed to an unborn fetus by the mother, this is known as congenital HIV.
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the cause of the illness. It can be passed from a mother to baby while in the uterus, during delivery or while breastfeeding.
Initially, there are no symptoms to congenital HIV. Over time, the virus attacks the immune system and leads to complications such as:
If a mother is taking HIV treatment during pregnancy, it reduces the risk of passing the virus to the infant. HIV medications can help delay or void the progression to AIDS and help the child live a better and normal life.
Reviewed by: Manuel Rafael Cotilla, MD
This page was last updated on: November 18, 2021 10:27 AM
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Nicklaus Children's Hospital includes 40 a Level IV beds, reflecting its capability in caring for the region’s most critically ill newborns.
TORCH is the short term used to describe a group of diseases that are passed from mother to baby during pregnancy.
HIV is a virus that can destroy the body’s immune system. Over time and without treatment, the virus can cause AIDS, a life-threatening illness that occurs when the body’s immune system is greatly compromised.