Nephrology Treatments and Procedures
Albumin Blood Serum Level
Albumin is a protein produced by the liver that circulated in the blood. An albumin blood serum level is a common blood test that determines the levels of albumin in the blood. It’s useful for diagnosing a number of medical conditions, including liver and kidney diseases and in some cases nutritional status.
Cystine Analysis - Urine Amino Acid Qt.
Testing for amino acids, which are abnormally excreted in the urine helps identify body function imbalances that can occur from inherited or acquired diseases.
Dialysis is a medical procedure that cleans and filters the body’s blood, either with a machine or the lining of the abdomen. It’s a procedure that is necessary in the case of kidney failure.
Dialysis Fistula
A dialysis fistula or graft are medical treatments that creates access to a vein for patients who need regular dialysis treatments.
DMSA Renal Scan
DMSA renal kidney scan is a kidney imaging test that gives a clearer picture of the kidneys than standard imaging tests. It’s a nuclear medicine test.
Glomerular Filtration Rate Test
Glomeruli act as filters for the kidneys, removing waste from the blood. A GFR test checks how well the kidneys are working by measuring how much blood flows through the glomeruli in a minute.
Hemodialysis is a medical procedure that cleans and filters the body’s blood with a machine that’s sometimes known as an artificial kidney. It’s a procedure that is necessary in the case of kidney failure. The kidneys usually handle the task of cleaning the body’s blood.
Intravenous Pyelogram
Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) is a form of X-ray that provides a better view of how waste fluid flows through the renal and urinary system with a special dye.
Methylmalonic Acid (Plasma)
A plasma methylmalonic acid test is a test to determine the levels of methylmalonic acid in the blood plasma.
Nephrectomy is the medical term for the surgical removal of a kidney. It’s done in the case of kidney failure, a kidney transplant, cancer or other reasons.
Nephrostomy Tube Placement
The purpose of a nephrostomy tube is to drain urine from the body during a medical procedure or when the body is unable to drain urine for other reasons.
Organic Acid Quantitation (Methylmalonic Acid)
Organic acid quantitation - methylmalonic acid is a test that can help diagnose a rare metabolic genetic disorder known as methylmalonic acidemia (MMA).
Peritoneal Dialysis
Peritoneal dialysis is a form of dialysis, which is a treatment that filters and cleans the blood when the kidneys no longer work. Most types of dialysis occur at a treatment center, but peritoneal dialysis is a form that a patient can do at home or at work.
Radionuclide Cystogram
Radionuclide cystogram is an imaging test that are used to check the function of the urinary tract and the bladder. It’s a nuclear medicine test that involves using a radioactive material in order to add clarity to the images related to the test.
Renal MAG3 Scan
Renal MAG3 scan is an imaging test that examines the shape, size, position and function of the kidneys. It’s a nuclear medicine test that involves using a radioactive material in order to add clarity to the images related to the test.