Fetal Care Patient Stories

Read inspiring stories of hope from patients and families treated at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Have your own inspiring patient story to share? If you’d like to share your Nicklaus Children's story to inspire hope, and help other families find answers to questions they’re seeking for their child, please contact us at: info@nicklaushealth.org.

Gabrien's Story

During a routine ultrasound early in her pregnancy, Rebecca Jones and her husband Brent were devastated to learn there was something wrong with their baby’s heart. The expectant parents learned their baby, Gabrien, had a rare heart defect called transposition of the great arteries, a condition in which the two main arteries leaving the heart are reversed. Their obstetrician referred them to Dr. David Drossner, a pediatric cardiologist and director of outpatient cardiology at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.  Read this story.

Francesca: Born August 19, 2019 at Nicklaus Children's Hospital

At their 20-week anatomy scan, Olivia Bittles and her husband Bobby learned their unborn baby had esophageal atresia, a genetic condition in which the esophagus does not connect directly to the stomach. This news came as a shock. Read this story.

Adrien: First Baby Born at Nicklaus Children's Hospital

Emily Granados was 20 weeks pregnant with her third child when she found out something was wrong with his little heart.  Read this story.

Fetal care program helps mothers, babies with high-risk births

Kristen McManus was one of the first mothers to deliver her baby at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, under the care of the Fetal Care Center, a program that provides care to infants who will need access to medical care immediately after birth. Read this story.

Logan's Journey with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

Logan Perry was born with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, a rare birth defect in which the diaphragm does not develop properly. Thanks to the experts at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, Logan had corrective surgery and is developing into a rambunctious toddler.  Read this story.

Patient of the Month: Theodore

When she was just 18 weeks pregnant, Micheleen, learned that her baby would be born with a congenital heart defect called hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), in which the left side of the heart is severely underdeveloped, as well as a cleft palate and cleft lip. Read this story.

Baby Carter's Story

Baby Carter had a unique anomaly where his intestines stay out of his abdomen. With the help of the specialists from Fetal Care Services at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, Carter is now able to live a healthy and normal life. Read this story.