Wrist/Hand Sprains and Strains

Also known as: sprained wrist/hand, strained wrist/hand.

What is hemifacial microsomia? What are wrist/hand sprains and strains?

A sprain refers to an injury to a ligament, which are the bands of tissue that join bones to one another. And a strain refers to an injury to the muscles or tendons around the bones. When these injuries occur in the hands or wrists, they’re known as wrist/hand sprains and strains.

What causes wrist/hand sprains and strains?

Wrist/hand sprains and strains can occur from a direct impact or injury to the hand or wrist. Falling and catching yourself with a hand is a common cause. Repetitive motions can also cause wrist/hand sprains and strains.

What are the symptoms of wrist/hand sprains and strains? 

Pain, swelling, tenderness, bruising, numbness, difficulty moving the hand or wrist or stiffness are all potential symptoms of wrist/hand sprains and strains.

What are wrist/hand sprains and strains care options?

Mild or moderate wrist/hand sprains and strains can be treated with rest, ice, compression, elevation, avoidance of activities and over-the-counter pain relievers. Wearing a splint or soft cast can help immobilize the hand or wrist, and exercises can assist with healing. Surgery may be required for more severe injuries.

Reviewed by: Aaron J Berger, MD

This page was last updated on: September 24, 2021 04:18 PM