Also known as: Inflammation of the vulva, vulva inflammation
What is vulvitis?
The vulva refers to the soft folds of skin on the outside of the vagina. When these become inflamed or irritated, this is known as vulvitis.
What causes vulvitis?
Irritation/inflammation may have multiple causes which include allergy (to toilet paper, soaps, laundry detergents etc.), swimming pool and jacuzzi water, wearing a wet bathing suit for too long, synthetic underwear, spermicides, horseback or bicycle riding, strong douches, inflammatory or infectious skin diseases, and a wide variety of other causes.
What are the symptoms of vulvitis?
Vulvitis symptoms vary. They include redness and swelling, itching or burning, blisters, sore scaly thickened skin, white patches (if chronic) and more.
What are vulvitis care options?
Avoiding the potential irritants is the best prevention method for vulvitis. Symptoms may be treated with corticosteroid or other creams; sitz baths may be helpful and treating any underlying cause may improve symptoms over time.
Reviewed by: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP
This page was last updated on: February 03, 2021 03:47 PM