Tennis Elbow

Also known as: lateral epicondylitis.

What is tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow is an elbow injury that occurs due to repetitive motion and overuse of the elbow. Despite the name, tennis elbow does not necessarily occur from playing tennis, though that is one possible cause of the condition.

What causes tennis elbow?

The repetitive motion of the elbow can lead to tennis elbow. This can occur from sports participation, although auto mechanics, butchers and cooks are some of the people who get it the most.

What are the symptoms of tennis elbow?

Pain, burning and a weak grip are the common symptoms of tennis elbow. The pain often grows worse when attempting to grasp something.

What are tennis elbow care options?

Rest and over-the-counter pain relievers are common treatment for tennis elbow. Physical therapy and a brace may be helpful in recovery. Steroid injections, shock wave therapy and surgery may be used in more severe cases.

Reviewed by: Annie L Casta, MD

This page was last updated on: September 24, 2021 04:13 PM