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Nicklaus Children’s Hospital has several outpatient and urgent care centers throughout South Florida, including on-demand, virtual care.
Walk-in urgent care with no appointment needed.
Serving as your child's primary doctor's office.
Pediatric specialty consultations available closer to home.
A full range of comprehensive services all under one roof.
Connect with providers from the comfort of your own home.
With over 800 pediatric clinicians on staff, we’re dedicated to helping you connect with the right specialist for your needs.
We have expertise in treating children and educating families on hundreds of different conditions.
We use cutting-edge, specialized treatments and procedures to ensure the best care for your child.
Also known as: radioactive iodine uptake test, RAIU test.
Radioactive iodine imaging is a medical test that helps your pediatrician diagnose how well your child’s thyroid gland functions. It uses a short acting dose of radioactive iodine to determine how much the thyroid can take in over a certain period of time. If the thyroid gland takes in too much or too little iodine, it could be indicative of a medical problem.
No special preparation is needed for this test though, your child may be advised not to eat or take some medications for some hours prior to the test. Patients should tell the doctor if they have diarrhea or have had recent computed tomography (CT) scans or iodine-based tests performed.
The radiation exposure that occurs during this test is fairly small and doesn’t usually cause any problems.
Reviewed by: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP
This page was last updated on: March 04, 2021 11:10 AM
The Radiology facilities at Nicklaus Children’s are specifically designed for the comfort and diagnosis of infants, children and adolescents.
MTC is a form of cancer that originates in a particular cell in the thyroid gland that secretes a hormone which plays an important role regulating calcium levels in the body.
A thyroglossal duct cyst is a mass that forms in the neck, most often in children. It’s formed from leftover tissues that remain in the body after the thyroid gland forms in the fetus.