Migraine without Aura
What is migraine without aura?
Migraine is a common and often disabling headache disorder. Migraine is classified as either with aura or without aura. Migraine without aura is more common, and indicates that there are no associated focal neurologic symptoms either before or with the headache.
What causes migraine without aura?
It’s unclear why some people are prone to migraines while others are not, but there is definitely a genetic component to the disease. In patients who are prone to migraines certain things can trigger headaches including stress, lack of sleep, changes in routine, caffeine, certain foods, the environment, computer screens and many others. However there are many patients for whom a clear trigger is not known.
What are the symptoms of migraine without aura?
A migraine without aura may begin with premonitory symptoms such as fatigue, yawning, sensitivity to light, mood changes and other symptoms. As the headache begins, it can range from mild to severe. The pain can last for several hours and in some cases longer, and be accompanied by sensitivity to light, sound or odors and nausea and vomiting.
What are migraine without aura care options?
There is no cure for migraine, but headache frequency and severity can be modified by preventive and acute measures. This may include both preventive medication to decrease headache frequency and acute medication to treat headaches that arise. Daily healthy lifestyle habits are important as well.
Other treatments for migraines include biofeedback, cognitive behavior therapy, procedures, and addressing comorbidities such as depression, anxiety and others.
Migraine Trust
American Migraine Foundation
Reviewed by: Dr. Suzanne Hagler
This page was last updated on: January 28, 2020 09:14 AM