Beta Thalassemia Intermedia
What is beta thalassemia intermedia?
Thalassemia is a medical condition in which the body makes less hemoglobin than usual. It causes anemia. There are two types of thalassemia, alpha and beta. Beta thalassemia impacts two different types of genes. Beta thalassemia intermedia is a form of beta thalassemia that causes moderate to severe anemia. It is the second most severe form after beta thalassemia major.
What causes beta thalassemia intermedia?
Beta thalassemia intermedia is a genetic disease, and the abnormal genes that cause it are passed along from parents to children.
What are the symptoms of beta thalassemia intermedia?
Possible symptoms of beta thalassemia minor include anemia, tiredness, weakness, pale skin, slow or delayed growth, and enlarged spleen and weak bones.
What are beta thalassemia intermedia care options?
Possible treatments for beta thalassemia intermedia may include blood transfusions, medications, supplements and surgery for gallstones, removal of spleen and bone marrow transplantation.
Reviewed by: Athena Pefkarou, MD
This page was last updated on: July 05, 2022 01:46 PM