Eastern Equine Encephalitis

Also known as: EEE, triple E.

What is eastern equine encephalitis?

Eastern equine encephalitis is a rare but serious viral infection that causes inflammation in the brain, or encephalitis.

What causes eastern equine encephalitis?

A virus known as the eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) is the direct cause of the illness. The virus is spread by mosquitoes infected with the virus. It cannot be spread directly from person to person or from animal to person.

What are the symptoms of eastern equine encephalitis?

The symptoms of eastern equine encephalitis can begin with headache, chills, vomiting and high fever. Over time, the disease progresses to include seizures, disorientation, brain inflammation and coma.

What are eastern equine encephalitis care options?

People who develop eastern equine encephalitis will need supportive care in the form of hospitalization, breathing support, IV fluids and other methods of care. Taking steps to prevent mosquito bites can help prevent the disease from occurring.

Reviewed by: Otto M Ramos, MD

This page was last updated on: November 18, 2021 11:19 AM

Infectious Diseases

The Division of Infectious Diseases at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital uses state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to identify acute or chronic viral and bacterial diseases, so that we can treat it effectively as quickly as possible.

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