Fibular Hemimelia

Also known as: FH, longitudinal fibular deficiency.

What is fibular hemimelia?

The fibula is the outer bone of the two bones that make up the lower leg and connect the ankle to the knee. When part or all of the fibular bone is missing, this can be due to a rare birth defect known as fibular hemimelia. The presence of this disorder can lead to a variety of other deformities and developmental issues.

What causes fibular hemimelia?

In many cases, the cause of fibular hemimelia is unknown. Studies have shown that the condition can be related to genetic abnormalities. However, these seem to occur randomly and are not passed down from parents to children.

What are the symptoms of fibular hemimelia?

The three primary symptoms of fibular hemimelia include limb length discrepancy, foot and ankle deformities and knee deformities. These issues can lead to problems with movement and instability of the ankle, knee and leg over time, among other issues.

What are fibular hemimelia care options? 

For severe cases of fibular hemimelia, the two primary treatment options include limb lengthening procedures or limb amputation paired with the use of prosthetic limbs. The treatment decision can vary widely depending on the exact nature and severity of the child’s particular case of fibular hemimelia.

Reviewed by: Scott J Schoenleber, MD

This page was last updated on: October 14, 2020 02:55 PM

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