Stimate Challenge Test

Also known as: DDAVP challenge test.

What is a Stimate challenge test?

Stimate is a nasal spray that can help stop bleeding in patients with a rare blood disorder known as von Willebrand disease. The drug is also known as DDAVP when given intravenously. A Stimate challenge test is a medical test to ensure that Stimate will be able to successfully stop bleeding in a patient with Von Willebrand disease.

What happens during the test?

The Stimate challenge test requires a series of blood tests to determine if the medication is effective. First, the patient provides a blood sample before taking the medicine. Then, another blood test is taken an hour after the medication is give. Sometimes a third blood sample is collected 3 hours after that. For the medication to be effective, certain blood factors must increase in the blood sample in each subsequent blood test.

Is any special preparation needed?

In most cases, no special preparation is needed for the test.

What are the risk factors?

Risk factors include changes in blood sodium level which is monitored and oral fluids are restricted for 24 hours.

Reviewed by: Guillermo R De Angulo, MD

This page was last updated on: November 06, 2020 11:52 AM

Hemophilia Program

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