Beatriz Cunill - De Sautu, MD

A clinician identified with a Nicklaus Children's Pediatric Specialists logo is an affiliate of Nicklaus Children's Health System. All other clinicians listed on the website are in independent medical practices.


Pediatric Residency Program Director, Nicklaus Children's Hospital

Dr. Beatriz Cunill-De Sautu earned her Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey – Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine.  Subsequently, Dr. Cunill completed her three year pediatric residency training followed by an additional year as Chief Resident at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, formerly Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Upon completion of her Chief Resident term, Dr. Cunill continued her pursuit of academic pediatrics by joining the Department of Medical Education at Nicklaus Children's Hospital and assisting in the administration of the pediatric residency program. Her responsibilities then included coordinating the education and training of pediatric residents at the community-based continuity clinic sites, leading the organization of the faculty development opportunities for the teaching staff and participating in various performance improvement and child advocacy projects. Dr. Cunill also served as an attending physician and preceptor at the Nicklaus Children's Hospital Pediatric Care Center.

Dr. Cunill-De Sautu went on to serve as the Interim Director of Medical Education at Nicklaus Children's Hospital and was subsequently appointed as the Pediatric Residency Program Director in July, 2008. Dr. Cunill is responsible for the overall supervision of the residents, the recruitment of incoming residents, the execution and evaluation of the educational activities of the program and the assurance that the resident curriculum is in compliance with the RRC requirements.

Dr. Cunill-De Sautu holds faculty appointments at Florida International University (Clinical Assistant Professor), Nova Southeastern University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine (Clinical Assistant Professor), and at the St. George’s University School of Medicine (Professor).  She is board-certified by the American Board of Pediatrics and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Cunill-De Sautu also serves as Co-Chair of the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) USMLE Children's Health Test Material Development Committee and is also a member of the USMLE Step 3 Interdisciplinary Review Committee.

Shukla, P.J., Behnam-Terneus, M., Cunill-De Sautu, B., Perez, G.F. (2017). Antibiotic Use by Pediatric Residents: Identifying Opportunities and Strategies for Antimicrobial Stewardship. Hospital Pediatrics, 7(9), 553-558. View in Pubmed

Cunill-De Sautu, B., Gereige, R.S. (2014). Knee Conditions. Pediatrics in Review, 35(9), 359-370. View in Pubmed

Granado-Villar, D., Cunil-De Sautu, B., Granado, A. (2012). Acute Gastroenteritis.. Pediatrics in Review, 33(11), 487-494. View in Pubmed

Gereige, R., Cunill de Sautu, B. (2011). Throat infections. Pediatrics in Review, 32(11), 459-469. View in Pubmed

Koul, P.B., Sussmane,J.B., Cunill-De Sautu, B., et al (2005). Atrial fibrillation associated with alcohol ingestion in adolescence: holiday heart in pediatrics. Pediatric Emergency Care, 21(1), 38-39. View in Pubmed

Primary Office

Nicklaus Children's Medical Education Dept
3100 SW 62 Avenue - Medical Education
Miami, FL 33155
Phone Number:


Chief Resident - Nicklaus Children's Hospital
Residency - Nicklaus Children's Hospital
Medical School - University of Medicine & Dentistry

Board Certifications

American Board of Pediatrics (Pediatrics) - Certified