Labral Injury
Also known as: labral tear, glenoid labrum tear, hip labrum tear.
What is labral injury?
The labrum is a rim of soft tissue that surrounds the circular joints of the body, specifically the shoulder and the hip. It provides support, cushioning and stabilization to the joint. When this range of tissue gets damaged, it is known as a labral injury. This is most often a tear of the tissue.
What causes labral injury?
In some cases, an accident or a direct blow to the area can lead to a labral injury. Other times, repetitive motions such as throwing, weightlifting or running can lead to labral injuries.
What are the symptoms of labral injury?
Symptoms of a labral injury may include pain, difficulty moving the joint, loss of strength, instability of the joint or sensations in the joint such as catching, locking or popping.
What are labral injury care options?
If the injury is minor, pain relievers, rest, ice and physical therapy may help with recovery. In the case of more severe labral injuries, surgery is often needed to repair the damage to the labrum.
Reviewed by: Annie L Casta, MD
This page was last updated on: October 01, 2021 01:08 PM