b'Patient Bill of RightsPatients Bill of Rights and ResponsibilitiesNicklaus Childrens Hospital and its facilities To know if medical treatment is for Not restrict, limit, or otherwise deny have a responsibility to provide your childpurposes of experimental research andvisitation privileges on the basis of race, with appropriate medical care. The followingto give his or her consent or refusal tocolor, national origin, religion, sex,is a set of guiding principles of patientparticipate in such experimental research. gender identity, sexual orientation or care. It is important for you to know what To express grievances regarding anydisability; andyour childs rights are as a patient and whatviolation of his or her rights, as stated Ensure that all visitors enjoy fullyour rights and obligations are as a parentin Florida law, through the grievancevisitation privileges consistent with the and user of this hospital. We encourageprocedure of the healthcare provider orpatient preferences.you to talk with those involved with yourhealthcare facility which served himAll visitors should be free fromchilds care. A summary of your rights andor her and to the appropriate statesymptoms of contagious disease and responsibilities follows. licensing agency. known exposures. Nicklaus Childrens Hospital complies with You and your child have the right: applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race,Feedback is important:To be treated with courtesy and respect,color, national origin, age, disability or sex.The Patient and Guest Relations Department with appreciation of his or her individualis responsible for pursuing and/or referring dignity and with protection of his or herany questions, concerns, complaints or need for privacy. A patient (or family/guardian) isgrievances you may have about your rightsTo a prompt and reasonable response toresponsible for: or the quality of care and services provided questions and requests.P roviding to the healthcare provider, toby Nicklaus Childrens Hospital and itsTo know who is providing medical servicesthe best of his or her knowledge, accuratenetwork of outpatient facilities. You may and who is responsible for his or her care. and complete information about presentcontact the Patient and Guest Relations staffTo participate in the development andcomplaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations,directly at extension 4400, or ask any staff implementation of the patient plan of care. medications, and other matters relating tomember to contact them on your behalf. IfTo know what patient support services his or her health. this is an emergency, please call the hospital are available, including whether an R eporting unexpected changes in his or heroperator (dial 0) and ask for them to page interpreter is available if he or she doescondition to the healthcare provider. the Operations Administrator. We will gladly not speak English.R eporting to the healthcare provideraddress any issues or concerns that you may have regarding your childs care.To know what rules and regulations applywhether he or she comprehends a to his or her conduct. contemplated course of action and what isTo be given information concerningexpected of him or her.diagnosis, planned course of treatment,Following the treatment planShould you have any questions or alternatives, risks and prognosis by therecommended by the healthcare provider. complaints regarding the quality of healthcare provider.Keeping appointments and, when he or shecare offered by a healthcare provider or healthcare facility, you may contact theTo refuse any treatment, except asis unable to do so for any reason, notifyingAgency for Healthcare Administration at otherwise provided by law. the healthcare provider or healthcare1-888-419-3456 or write:To be given, upon request, full informationfacility.and necessary counseling on theHis or her actions if he or she refusesAgency for Healthcare Administrationavailability of known financial resources fortreatment or does not follow the healthcareConsumer Assistance Unithis or her care. providers instructions. 2727 Mahan DriveTallahassee, FL 32308-5403 To know, upon request and in advance ofAssuring that the financial obligations of hisOr DNV Healthcaretreatment, whether the healthcare provideror her healthcare are fulfilled as promptly ashttps://www.dnvhealthcareportal.com/or healthcare facility accepts the Medicarepossible. patient-complaint-reportassignment rate.F ollowing healthcare facility rules andToll Free: 1-866-496-9647 To receive, upon request, prior toregulations affecting patient care andFax: (281) 870-4818treatment, a reasonable estimate ofconduct.charges for medical care. We value your feedback and concerns. To receive a copy of a reasonably clear andVisitation guidelines:understandable itemized bill and, upon Each patient/parent(s), legal guardian and/request, to have the charges explained. or legal guardian designee (or supportTo impartial access to medical treatmentperson, where appropriate) will be or accommodations, regardless of race,informed of the right, subject to his or her national origin, religion, handicap or sourceconsent, to receive the visitors whom he or of payment. she designates, including, but not limitedTo treatment for any emergency medicalto a spouse, domestic partner (including condition that will deteriorate from failuresame sex domestic partners), other family to provide treatment. members or a friend, and his or her right to withdraw consent at any time;202301MW_15063Located on Patient and Guest Relations intranet page, outpatient registrations, admission welcome packets, and various hospital locations.2024 Survey Readiness Guide 9'