b'Isolation Precautions Patient PlacementPlease use standardized or digital signage (such as, theA single room is preferred for patients under contact Hill Rom system) outside of patients rooms for patientprecautions; however, patients with the same disease isolation precautions. or organism may share a room. In cases where there is Standard Precautions a shortage of patient rooms, prioritize patient cohorts by conditions that may foster transmission (example: The basic concept of Standard Precautions is to treat alluncontained drainage or stool incontinence), and give patients blood or body fluids as if they are infectiousthose patients priority for single patient room placement.material. Standard Precautions are a group of infectionPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE)prevention practices that include the act of conducting hand hygiene and the use of gloves, gowns, masks, eyeDon a gown and gloves on room entry. Moreover, change protection, or face shields depending on anticipatedthe gown and gloves between patients, even if both exposure. Furthermore, Standard Precautions include thepatients share a room or one or both are on contact practice of following: precautions. Lastly, always perform hand hygiene between glove changes. Safe Injection PracticesSpecial lumbar puncture procedures Droplet PrecautionsRespiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette Droplet precautions prevent the transmission of diseases Respiratory Hygiene and Cough Etiquette is the practicecaused by respiratory droplets that are generated by of encouraging patients and staff with symptoms of acoughing, sneezing or talking.respiratory infection to cover their mouth or nose whenThe following diagnoses are examples that warrant the coughing or sneezing by using a tissue, and subsequentlyuse of droplet precautions:discarding the tissue appropriately and performing hand hygiene after.Meningitis (Bacterial)Transmission-Based Precautions DiphtheriaIn addition to standard precautions, the use of transmission- Patient Placement based precautions is practiced for patients with suspectedFor patients under droplet precautions, single rooms or documented clinical infections or colonization withare preferred; however, patients with the same disease transmissible or epidemiologically important pathogensmay share a room. Moreover, patients must be spatially and organisms. Transmission-based precautions are basedseparated by at least 6 feet.on the level of transmission of specific pathogens and organisms, and provide an additional layer of precautionsPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE)that are needed to prevent cross-contamination and transmission between the patient, the healthcare workerWear a surgical mask on room entry. Furthermore, ensure and the healthcare environment.that items contaminated with respiratory secretions (e.g., tissues, handkerchiefs) are handled with gloves. Practice Contact Precautions the change of PPE between patients and perform hand Contact precautions are used for diseases transmittedhygiene.by contact with the patient or the patients environment.Patient TransportContact precautions are to be used for patients that are clinically infected with an organism or pathogen (example:Limit patient transport outside the room to medically showing associated symptoms with a specific organism)necessary purposes. If the patient must leave the room, or colonized (example: a patient has tested positive for aninstruct the patient to wear a surgical mask, follow organism or pathogen, but it is not showing any signs orrespiratory hygiene, and cough etiquette. Once the patient symptoms of infection) that can be transmitted throughis masked, the patient transporter does not need to wear direct contact with the patient or patients environment.a surgical mask. Notify the receiving department of the The following diagnoses are examples that warrant theisolation precautions status.use of contact precautions:Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus (MRSA)Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDRO)2024 Survey Readiness Guide 31'