b'Survey Survival Who determines oversight of Medicare Accreditation Organizations?Stressing out about surveys is understandable and youCMS affirms accrediting organizations to ensure that are not alone. With non-conformities and immediatethey meet CMS quality and safety standards.There are jeopardies rising, organizations must not only navigate10 CMS affirmed accrediting organizations that survey how to survive but also respond to the corrective actionsdifferent types of settings. Some reference tools include imposed upon them. For an effective reply to a surveysCoP, NIAHO, ISO, Medicare Provider # or CMS Certification citation, it is imperative for the organization and itsNumber (CCN)employees to gain knowledge of what is required forFirst, let us examine who accredits our hospital Det success in the healthcare industry. By unlocking the keysNorske Veritas (DNV).to surviving inspections and surveys, you can decrease anxiety. You may ask yourselfWhy are we surveyed?DNV & ISO We are surveyed to validate compliance to local, state, and federal regulations and ensure a healthy safe environmentOur Accrediting Bodyfor our patients.Simple Facts about DNVWho surveys our organization?Det Norske Veritas (DNV) is one of 10 CMS approved Over 20+ accrediting bodies survey our organization foraccreditation organizations. DNV accredits Nicklaus the quality, safety, and performance to national recognizedChildrens Hospital. DNV, meaning The Norwegian standards regularly. These surveys may be announced,Truth started as a Maritime company in 1864 who set however many are unannounced. to establish a uniform set of rules and procedures for When do these surveys occur? underwriting vessels after evaluating risk of life, property, and the environment. The time-frame for surveys varies as evaluators fromSeeking interest in the healthcare industry on September federal inspections, national associations, and state26th, 2008, CMS awarded Deeming Authority to DNV. DNV departments focus on program structure, patient careestablished a standardized set of rules entitled, National documentation, and policies and procedures that drive theIntegrated Accreditation for Healthcare Organization care and services we provided. (NIAHO) for acute and critical access hospitals to follow. What happens during an accreditation survey? DNV saw the need to ensure quality and risk elements globally and merged with Germanischer Lloyd (GL) on Throughout a survey, while virtually or in person,September 12, 2013, to become DNV-GL.surveyors review documentation, standardized processes, and may randomly select patient care records to evaluateThese standards are used to maintain and ensure quality our compliance to established standards. Surveyorscustomer service and products within healthcare. In 2017, interview providers, patients, families, and healthcarethe DNV foundation gained full ownership of the merged personnel about their experiences and our processes.companies and DNV-GL rebranded their name to DNV. Surveyors also attain live observations examining ourCurrently, DNV is the second largest and fastest growing interaction and contributions to the childrens experience. Accreditation Organization for Acute Care hospitals who serves 850+ hospitals accredited and certified in the US How can I play an essential role in contributing to awith 15 Clinical Program Certifications.successful survey?Benefits to DNV Healthcare Hospital Accreditation Recognizing the fundamental elements that you do everyare a collaborative approach, process auditing which day and how they contribute to the fabric at Nicklaus,supports process improvement for sustainability, risk-is one way we effectively communicate to surveyors. Bybased thinking, transparent culture, Quality Management reviewing the policies, procedures, and protocols of yourfoundation, and ISO certificationarea, you do your part in leading to successful survey. 2024 Survey Readiness Guide 5'