b'What Should I Do?Know your types of RestraintsA restraint does not include devices, such as orthopedically prescribed devices, surgical dressings or bandages, protective helmets, or other methods that involve the physical holding of a patient for the purpose of conducting routine physical examinations or tests, or For Violent or Self Destructive Restraints Use Behavioralto protect the patient from falling out of bed, or to permit Restraints: the patient to participate in activities without the risk of physical harm (this does not include a physical escort)The restraint is used to manage behaviors, which are unanticipated, severely aggressive, or destructive behavior placing p0atient or others in imminent risk of harmingPhysical: Restraining limbs, moving a person to another themselves or others and no-physical intervention has notlocation against their willbeen effective.-Many types of hand mitts Behavioral restraints can be used up to: would not be considered restraint. However, 4 hours for adults 18 years and older pinning or otherwise 2 hours for minors 9 to 17 years of age attaching those same mitts to bedding or using a wrist restraint in 1 hour for minors under 9 years of age conjunction with the hand mitts would meet the definition of restraint and the requirements would apply. In addition, if the mitts are applied so tightly that the patients hand or fingers are immobilized, this would be considered restraint and the requirements would apply. Likewise, if the mitts are so bulky that the patients ability to use their hands is significantly reduced, this would be considered restraint and the requirements would apply.-The use of handcuffs, manacles, shackles, other chain-type What About my Order? restraint devices, or other All verbal and telephone orders must be signed by a LPrestrictive devices applied within 24 hours. by non-hospital employed or contracted law enforcement officials for custody, All restraints must be applied within 1 hour of an LPdetention, and public safety reasons are not placing the order, NO EXCEPTIONS! governed by this rule. The use of such devices is considered law enforcement restraint devices No Pro re nata (PRN) or standing orders are allowed, NOand would not be considered safe, appropriate EXCEPTIONS! health care restraint interventions for use by Restraints orders must NOT be written for patientshospital staff to restrain patients.currently undergoing surgery. The patient must beMechanical: Limb waist and trunk; back fastening assessed post-operatively to determine necessity. seatbelt; full bed-side rails up; chair with locking tableProtective medical devices: A devices or combinations ofEnvironmental: Seclusion room; Doors and halls devices, to restrict movement for purposes of protectionbarricades; secure unitsfrom falls or complications of physical care, such as PoseyPharmacologic: Antipsychotics; antidepressants; vests, mittens, sheeting and bed rails. The use of thesesedatives; Benzodiazepines; devices are for specific medical purposes. 2024 Survey Readiness Guide 39'