b'The Types of Personal Protective EquipmentTextile and Laundryand the Moments for Donning/Doffing Personal Protective Equipment Textile and laundry must be handled in a manner that prevents the transfer of microorganisms to yourself Gloves (the healthcare worker), the patient, others and to the environment. Gloves are to be worn for the following moments and expected moments during the delivery of healthcareNeedles (and other sharps)services to a patient:During handling needles (and other sharps), it is important For touching blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions to refrain from recapping, bending, breaking or hand For touching contaminated items manipulating used needlesFor touching mucous membranes and non-intact skin If recapping is required, use a one-handed scoop Isolation Gown technique only. Moreover, use safety features when availableIsolation gowns are to be worn during the followingPlace used sharps in puncture-resistant containermoments during the delivery of healthcare services to a patient: During procedures and patient-care activities when contact with one of the following is anticipated: - Exposed skin with blood/body fluids- Secretions- Excretions Face/Eye Protection (Googles, Face Shield, Masks) Face and Eye Protection must be worn during the following moments:For procedures and patient-care activities likely to generate splashes or sprays of blood, body fluids and secretionsThe Use of Negative and Positive Air Pressure For aerosol-generating procedures (abbreviated asRooms AGP), including patients with suspected or provenNegative Air Pressureinfections transmitted by respiratory aerosols, including suctioning, intubation and extubation proceduresThis setting should be utilized in cases in which the air in - For all AGP, the healthcare worker must wear a fit- the room must be contained and not allow the air to exit tested N95 or higher respiratorfrom the room (such as, patients that are under airborne isolation precautions for airborne illnesses and diseases The Methods for Handling Materials in the Patientsuch as tuberculosis and measles)EnvironmentPositive Air Pressure Soiled Patient Care EquipmentThis setting should be utilized in cases in which the air Soiled patient-care equipment must be handled in amust be kept inside the room at a higher pressure than manner that prevents the transfer of microorganisms tothe surrounding area for the patients safety (such as, yourself (the healthcare worker), the patient, others andimmunocompromised patients)to the environment. Gloves must be worn during theNote:Our negative/positive pressure rooms must be handling process in the event the equipment is visiblymonitored. It is important to ensure the settings indicate contaminated, and hand hygiene must be performed priornegative or positive air pressure prior to entering a to donning gloves and after doffing gloves.patients room. 30 Nicklaus Childrens Health System'