b'Code RRT stands for the Rapid Response Team at Nicklaus Childrens Hospital. It responds to staff or parent concerns about patients sudden change in medical condition. If a parent or staff member feels the childs condition needs immediate attention, call RRT ext. 811 provide childs name and room.Code Stat requires an immediate response to a page by an operator Emergency Codes Code D/D-NBC: Disaster: Internal/ External, Nuclear/Biological/Code Blue: Cardiac Arrest - Ext. 555 - RespondChemical, Mass Casualty Incidentif assignedCode Lindbergh: Abduction - Ext. 4911 Code Ivory: Infectious Disease - Wear PPE(SECURITY) or 911 (OCC)* - Immediate Code Orange: Incoming trauma, Traumalockdown and search of areaTeam respondCode R.A.I.N.: Active Threat (Recognize, Code Red: Fire (RACE: Rescue, Alarm, Contain,Avoid, Isolate and Notify) Evacuate / PASS: Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep)Code Spill: Hazardous Material spill - Call Ext. 4911 (SECURITY) or Manager, Contain and Code Green: Patient Elopement - Call Ext.4911clear the area (SECURITY) or 911 (OCC)* Code Storm: Hurricane Response - Be alert for Code 13: Bomb threat: report to work area,any Alpha, or Bravo Team activationsclear halls, report suspicious packages to Ext.Code Strong: Violent visitor or staff- Call Ext. 4911 (SECURITY) or 911 (OCC)* 4911 (SECURITY) or 911 (OCC)* - Respond if Code 36: Child separated from parent - Allassignedstaff initiate immediate search of areaCode Water: Discontinue water useCode Bear: Aggressive patient - Ext. 1616 (Operator) or 911 (OCC)*RRT: Rapid Response Team - respond within 15 Code Blackout: Power Outage - check thatminutes or 911 (OCC)*critical equipment are plugged into red outletsSTAT: If paged respond immediately* New Codes What can you do to prepare for a storm? Emergency Managementhttps://youtu.be/Bme5Q2pJ_dI%20-Code%20Storm%20 Emergency Management provides level-1 comprehensive emergency https://youtu.be/qvprdE4rW1kcode%20storm%20 preparedness training and level%20-2 response planning for natural, human, and technological Code Strong initiates a responsehazards. The mission of from Security when a personEmergency Management is to becomes violent or threateningensure the safety of staff, the toward another person. Security orprotection of property, and Police can be notified by pressingNicklaus Childrens Healthcare a panic button or calling 4911 to de-escalate disruptiveSystem patients during any disaster situation in behaviorcollaboration with community, local, and state partners. Code Water alerts staff to discontinueComprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) water use. Our established guidelinesto prepare, respond and recover to organizational, may indicate contaminated water, losscommunity or regional emergencies. An Emergency of water, or loss of water pressure.Operations Plan (EOP) is available to all employees, and Physicians on the NCHS intranet site. The EOP provides DO NOT all hazards response and recovery approach to disaster or Flush toilets/bedpan hoppers emergency incident management.Use sinks, water fountains, ice machines, showers/tubsAfter the code has been cleared purge lines by turning on faucets and flushing toilets.24 Nicklaus Childrens Health System'