b'Interdisciplinary group to oversee quality performanceSurvey Mantrawith representation from Senior Leadership, Medical Staff, Nursing, Quality/Risk Management (Management Representative), Physical Environment/ Safety, Pharmacy Services, Ancillary Services, support services, and clinicalWhat is a survey mantra? A survey mantra is a statement services. A representative of outpatient services shallor slogan repeated frequently to keep our focus on the be present as needed. ISO 9001:2015 standards requireimportance of the inspection processa Management System implementation. We utilize our guiding principles to improve the organizations performance and effectiveness to deliver customerSay What YOU(I.e., Focus on US; Know satisfaction. This approach allows for: Do your standard work, plans, Say What YOUpolices, and procedures)Understanding and consistency Do Consideration of how we create better patientDo What YOU experiences Say WhaSayt YOU(I.e., Demonstrate amazing Do What YOUpatient care; Surveyor DoSay wants to observe theEvaluate opportunities to improve the process and preventing undesirable results Say Wha process; data toward Prove t YITOU Do What YOU Do building our future) Validation of effectiveness of high-risk correctiveProSvae y ITactions Do WhaImprovt Ye ITOU(How do you validate ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Principles include:ProSvae y IT the process? Internal Improve IT assurance audits, Key Customer focus Performance Indicators Prove IT (KPI), Scorecards)Leadership Improve ITEngagement of people (Implementing Corrective Improve IT actions, performance Process approach improvement, sustainability of Improvement operational excellence)Evidence-based decision makingRelationship managementMission: To inspire hope and promote lifelong health by providing the best care to every childVision: To CREATE a healthy future for every childValues: Collaboration | Responsibility | Empowerment | Advocacy | Transformation | Empathy16 Nicklaus Childrens Health System'