b'Contact Enteric Precautions to breathe given their compromised respiratory status. Moreover, cover exposed skin lesions with clean bandages Contact enteric precautions are used to prevent infectionsor clean linens. As a reference, transport personnel do not that are transmitted primarily by direct or indirect contactneed to wear respiratory protection during transport if the with fecal material patient is masked and all skin lesions are covered.For the cleaning of patients rooms and care equipmentIsolation Precautionsthat are under contact enteric precautions, the use hospital approved bleach-based cleaning material mustPlease use standardized or digital signage outside of be used, and staff must conduct hand hygiene with soappatients rooms for patient isolation precautions. and water after contact with the patient and the patientsOur negative/positive pressure rooms must be monitored. environment.Make sure the settings indicate negative or positive before The following symptoms/diagnoses are examples thatentering. warrant the use of contact enteric precautions:When should you use negative or positive pressure?Diarrhea Negative Pressure settingCampylobacterClostridium difficile (C. Diff) Should be utilized in cases where we contain the air in the room and not allow the air to exit (e.g. airborne precautions)Airborne Precautions Positive Pressure settingAirborne precautions are used to prevent transmission ofShould be utilized in cases where we want to keep air infectious organisms that remain suspended in the air andinside the room at a higher pressure than the surrounding travel great distances due to their small size. Because ofarea for the patients safety (e.g. immunocompromised the small size of these pathogens, the risk of transmissionpatients)is less so from face-to-face contact but more so from airflow patterns within the facility. Patient Placement In acute care and long-term care settings, place patients in an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) with negative air pressure relative to the corridor. There should be at least 6 to 12 air exchanges per hour, and air should be directly exhausted to the outside. Monitor the air pressure daily with visual indicators (e.g., smoke tubes, flutter strips) and electronic methods (e.g., maintenance air exchange reports) when possible. Furthermore, ensure the patients room door is kept shut. Personal Protective Equipment What do the Green and Red lights mean?Green light indicates the negative pressure room is Wear a fit-tested N95 or higher level respirator foractivatedrespiratory protection when the patient has suspected or confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis or is undergoing anRed light indicates the pressure differential is not AGP.activatedPatient Transport Trouble shootingLimit transport of patients to essential medical purposes.Close door to reset system. If system is not If transport out of AII is necessary, place a surgical maskactivated, contact Facilities Management on the patient and instruct him/her to observe respiratoryat Ext. 4357, option 2 or place a Plant OPS hygiene and cough etiquette. Do not place an N95 maskrequests through the intranet portal on the patient, as this may further hinder their ability 32 Nicklaus Childrens Health System'