b'*Code Green is a patient elopement. This requires anIncident Command will be activated, and Emergency immediate call to security at extension 4911 on mainDepartment, Trauma, and Operating Room staff will campus or 911 at our outpatient locations. prepare to receive and treat numerous patients.Additional NCH staff may be asked to support a Labor An elopement is a patient who is incapable of adequatelyPool, normally located within the Auditorium.protecting himself, and who departs the health careCode D-NBC refers to a mass casualty disaster involving facility unsupervised- www.psnet.ahrq.govnuclear, biological, or chemical hazardous materials.Code 13 is a possible bomb threat, staff shouldIncident Command immediately report to their work areas, clear the corridors,will be activated and and report suspicious packages to Ext. 4911. If you are thethe NCH DECON Team receiver of a bomb threat, report any details (exact words,will decontaminate accent, background noises, time, sex, etc.) to Security. all patients; following decontamination, the What should you do in a Code 13?Emergency Department, https://youtu.be/8EyAQ_iYRi8 Trauma, and Operating Room staff will receive and treat patientsCode 36 is used when a child becomes separated from their parent or caregiver. Upon hearing this code, all staffINTERNAL Emergencieswill begin initiating an immediate search for the area.A sudden, unforeseen event that causes/threatens to Code Bear is an innovative and proactivecause injury/damage to the hospitals patients, visitors, approach for the care and treatment of ouremployees, and/or property (Example: Bomb Threat)behavioral patients. Code Bear is comprisedEXTERNAL Emergenciesof healthcare professional team who are specialized each in different aspects of caring forA sudden, unforeseen event that results in a significant this patient population. Whether its soothing techniquesnumber of casualties requiring admission to the hospital, such as music therapy or medical intervention, they arebut not causing a threat to the hospital itself (Example: there to ease their triggers and provide support to theBioterrorism or chemical)families during these challenging times. Hand in Hand, Together We Can. Code Blackout is a power outage.Nicklaus Childrens Hospital collaborates with This involves critical equipment.Miami Dade Fire & Rescue of any pending mass The Administrative/Operationscasualty disaster within the surrounding areas. AdministrationMiami Dade Fire & Rescue will bring mass casualty Will determine extent of outagepatients to the Main Campus only.from Facilities OperationsMass causality drills are conducted to evaluate our Activate Incident Command Center (if necessary) andCode D/D-NBC plans the Nicklaus Childrens Hospital Emergency OperationsNCH staff can be notified of a Code D/D-NBC by Plan overhead paging, email, or the Incident Command Check all units for electrical dependent patients. monitoring the situation. The Labor Pool is a resource to support the treatment and transport of Deactivate Plan after consulting with Facilitiespatients, medical equipment, and supplies.Operations Director.Code D refers to a mass casualty disaster (multipleCode Lindbergh is used in the case of an abducted people with variouschild; security will lock down the hospital. The staff and injuries).providers will help ensure the exits are observed. Any suspicious activity shall immediately be reported in detail to Security at 4911. 22 Nicklaus Childrens Health System'