b'Talking to SurveyorsMaintaining Operational Excellence During InspectionsRemember-Patients Come FirstThe amazing patient care that we provide to our families and the community is our priority. We are advocates for their needs, equipment, and their environment. If you need to attend to them or necessary services for their well-being, please politely excuse yourself during an interview and return later! Do Do notRelax- Take a deep breath. You provide excellent patientPanicYoure ready!care daily. Show the surveyor howDo not argue with the surveyor. The escort and scribes are Welcome the surveyor to your department/unit available to assist you. Be courteous and respectful to the surveyor(s) and theirDo not give answers that you know are incorrect at any recommendations timeProvide clear, positive communication with the team Do not use adverbs like always and never to describe patient practicesUse simple terms to describe the great work you do everyday Do not say, I think we are supposed tothis indicates to a surveyor that you are not following NCH polices and Discuss best practices that are based on NCH policies andguidelines regularlyguidelinesDo not guess if you do not know the answerBe a great listener. Exchanging ways to build operational excellence and process improvement is always welcomed Do not volunteer extra information. Only answer the question asked of youIf you do not understand the question, ask for clarificationWhile reviewing information in the chart, do not mumble Know your department and hospital resources. If you dowords, like I dont think we chart this all the time or I not know the answer-do not guess. To reply, I dont know,dont think I know when I would document that.but I know how/where to find the answer. During each inspection or accreditation, a survey team can evaluate our adherence to their standard requirements and policies instituted within our organization. A consistent review of our organizations operations and guiding principles will aid us in meeting regulatory goals. Document management and control is vital to a successful survey. Let us review the types of documented information and resources available at Nicklaus Childrens.2024 Survey Readiness Guide 17'