What is cranial remodeling?

Also known as: baby head shape correction, plagiocephaly treatment, cranial orthosis, cranial molding, cranial remolding.

A cranial molding orthosis is a helmet-like device, used in infants under 18 months of age with misshapen heads most often caused by spending too much time laying on their backs. The orthosis is typically worn for a few months to gradually reshape the head.

Nicklaus Children's Hospital uses the STARband™ cranial remodeling orthosis. This helmet-like device will help reshape your child’s head and must be worn 23 hours each day, with an hour off for bathing and hygiene.

What happens during cranial molding treatment?

During the first five days of treatment, you will be asked to gradually increase the wearing time of the helmet as follows:

Day On Off Nap Night
1 2 hours 1 hour Yes No
2 4 hours 1 hour Yes Yes
3 6 hours 1 hour Yes Yes
4 8 hours 1 hour Yes Yes
5 23 hours 1 hour Yes Yes

Your child may experience increased perspiration during the first few days the cranial remodeling helmet is worn until his or her body becomes accustomed to it. Products such as powders and lotions should not be applied to the head or the helmet. If a heat rash appears at the base of the skin, remove the helmet every three to four hours for skin checks and wash irritated areas with a mild soap.

This page was last updated on: 1/29/2019 3:21:13 PM

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