Planning ahead

As other TAYLOR SPATIAL FRAME device patients might tell you, the limb restoration process takes a great deal of preparation and personal commitment. One of the best ways to understand the process is to speak with someone who has gone through the process. Ask your surgeon to introduce you to someone who would be willing to talk to you about their experience and help you prepare for this temporary lifestyle.

Here are some points to consider before you receive the TAYLOR SPATIAL FRAME device:

  • Hospitalization: You should plan for a hospital stay of at least three to four days. Ask your surgeon for help in planning what to bring with you and what to expect.
  • External Fixator Adjustments: Make the commitment now to follow a schedule of fixator adjustments, which are needed daily during the lengthening/correction phase. Your prescribed course of treatment will be determined by your surgeon.
  • Scheduling Considerations: Plan ahead now for the amount of time away from school or work, frequency of clinic visits, time of year and transportation issues you'll face. Your surgeon's clinic can assist you with making these plans.
  • Physical Limitations: Understand ahead of time what you will be able to and won't be able to do. Talk to your surgeon about what to expect.
  • Changes to Normal Activities: Preparation, more time, energy and rest will be needed to perform daily activities.
  • Clothing Adaptations: Make arrangements to wear loose clothing, which will fit over the fixator.
  • Insurance Coverage: Know your insurance plan and make sure to secure all approvals prior to surgery. Find out what your insurance will cover for medical equipment as you will need several medical items during your external fixator treatment time. Your surgeon's clinic can give you a list of items that you may need to give to your insurance company.
  • Household Furniture and Linens: Your furniture and linens can be protected from damage caused by the fixator by wearing a protective covering over it.

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