Alyssa's Success Story

Published on: 01/15/2007

“Alyssa is seven years old with myelomeningocele spina bifida, a birth defect in which the backbone and spinal canal do not close before birth. In July 2009 we were in Nicklaus Children's to have her left kidney removed, bladder augmentations and to have a mitrofanoff and mace put in by Dr. Gosalbez. The staff, nurses, and doctors at Nicklaus Children's Hospital were amazing. We were there for three days with great success!

Unfortunately we had to return a week after our initial surgery due to an infection. The infection led us to emergency surgery and put us in the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) for ten days then in 3 South (Neurological and Neurosurgical Services Unit) for over thirty days. It was a very hard time for us but everyone in that hospital made us feel so special—from the people in the cafeteria, to the clowns, and radio lollipop volunteers. Although it was a tough time, my little girl is as strong as ever! I couldn't imagine being anywhere else! Thank you Nicklaus Children's for all you did and continue to do for our children.”  

Tiffany - Wellington, Florida

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