Steps to Prepare for Your Child's Surgery

To prepare for your child's surgery at the Kenneth C. Griffin Surgical Tower at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, here is a helpful list of what to expect before, during and after the surgery.

PASSPort: Pre-Admission Surgical Screening

Registration (10 days prior)

  • You will receive a text link to the Tonic registration platform, where you will verify your child's information 10 days before the surgery. Please contact the Patient Access Department at 305-663-8410 if you have any questions or issues gaining access to the platform.

Pre-Admission Surgical Screening (PASS) Phone Call (7 days prior)

  • A nurse from the PASS team will contact you to review or discuss the child's medical history within 7 days before surgery. If there are any changes in your child's health status (cold, runny nose, etc.) prior to surgery, please contact a PASS nurse as soon as possible by calling 786-624-3404.

Financial Clearance Call (approximately 3 days prior)

  • A member of the Pre-Access team will contact you at least 3 days before the surgery to review any financial responsibility and authorizations, if required.

Day Before the Procedure

  • The day before the procedure, a member of our Patient Access team will contact you if there are any pending registration documents. Time of arrival and drinking/eating instructions will be sent via text message after 2:30 p.m.
  • Diet: Please follow the dietary restrictions instructions for the day before the surgery. If your child does not follow the “no-eating or drinking” instructions as indicated, the surgery will be delayed or cancelled.

Day of Surgery

  • ✓ Remember to bring all important documentation including: your child's insurance card, parents'/guardians' identification cards (such as driver's license or passport), and any supporting documents and legal court orders.
  • ✓ Add 30 minutes of travel time to account for traffic and parking delays. Patients should have been notified to arrive at least 2 hours prior to their surgery. Please follow the instructions provided in the text message related to the time of arrival.
  • ✓ Complimentary valet service is offered 24-hours a day in front of the Central Building (near the Devonshire Boulevard entrance to the campus.) Additional complimentary valet services are available during select hours in the blue and yellow garages.


  • ✓ Transportation: Please make sure you have arranged transportation for before and after surgery.
  • ✓ Patients 18 years and older must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
    • Please make sure your child does not wear:
    • Any jewelry (including piercings)
    • Contact lenses (bring eyeglasses)
    • Make-up and hair accessories
    • Hair gel or hairspray
    • Nail polish

To help prevent surgical site infections:

  • ✓ Bathe with the anti-bacterial soap (such as Hibiclens Antiseptic) as instructed, the evening before surgery. If surgery is scheduled in the afternoon, also bathe the morning of surgery.
  • ✓ DO NOT shave surgical site area.

Upon arrival to Nicklaus Children's Hospital, please go straight to the Kenneth C. Griffin Surgical Tower, located near the emergency department, for your surgical check-in and registration. Patients who have completed the expedited registration via text message can visit the electronic kiosk to check-in after obtaining a visitor badge from the security representative. A member of our team will then assist with next steps.

Talking to your child about surgery

Good communication is the best way to prepare your child for a hospital visit. Rather than surprise your child, try to explain the situation in simple terms so that they will understand. This is the best way to earn and keep their trust. Be sure to give your child a chance to ask questions and tell you how they are feeling.

  • For infants, the goal is to ensure parents understand the child's medical issues and understand each other's fears and expectations.
  • Toddlers are frightened of separation and tend to think that disease and surgery are punishments. They need to be reassured that they are not being punished.
  • School-age children may fear anesthesia, pain and even death. They will need reassurance and preparation, including honest answers to their questions.
  • For adolescents, empowerment is key. They need to participate in the decision-making process, while still relying on adult support and reassurance. They may not feel it is acceptable to express fear or pain and need to be encouraged to voice their questions and concerns.

Pre-Surgical Orientation with Child Life Department

Our Child Life department is available to help prepare you and your child for what to expect on the day of surgery. It has been noted that patients who participate in this class are more relaxed prior to their surgical procedure. A pre-surgical orientation is available upon request and includes:

  • A tour of specific areas to familiarize the patient with the sights and sounds of the hospital
  • Helpful information and resources for siblings and parents
  • Opportunities to answer questions your child may have about their upcoming hospital experience

The Child Life Pre-Surgical Orientation Program is offered for children ages 3 and up. All attendees must be registered before arrival for the tour.

To Register for a Pre-Surgical Orientation please call
(305)666-6511 ext. 3932
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