What is postural kyphosis?

Kyphosis refers to a forward curve of the spine when it is viewed from the side. The spine naturally has some kyphosis in the thoracic region, or upper/mid back, of about 50 degrees. When there is more kyphosis than normal (greater than 50 degrees), this can lead to a rounded or “hunchback” appearance of the back, or a forward position of the head. This usually shows up during childhood or adolescence and is called “postural kyphosis”. Most often this will be noticed by a parent, the pediatrician, or at a school screening.

While some children have kyphosis that is related to the shape of the vertebral bones, the most common cause by far is not structural, and is due to poor posture. Your doctor will be able to determine this with an x-ray to look at the bones and measure the amount of kyphosis present.

This page was last updated on: 1/29/2019 3:21:13 PM

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